In Florida, Can a Domestic Violence Charge Be Expunged from My Record?
Can a domestic violence charge be expunged from my record? Only if the charge is dismissed. You need to have an experienced attorney who can help resolve this case hopefully in a way that allows the charges to be dropped. That’s going to be the only way that you will qualify down the road to have it expunged. An experienced …
Do I Have to Complete the Entire Probation Time?
Do I have to complete the entire probation time? Unless there was an agreement with the state ahead of time stating that you would have to go through the entire probationary period, many judges are willing to consider having your probation terminated early after you’ve served at least half of your probationary time as long as you’ve completed all the …
How Can I Clear My Criminal Record in Florida?
How can I clear my criminal record in Florida? It depends on whether you have a prior criminal record or not. It depends on whether you entered a plea, or your charges were dismissed. If you are convicted of any criminal offense in Florida, there is probably nothing you can do about it. You’ll need to consult an attorney who …
Ticketed and Released with a Date to Appear
I was given a ticket and released with a date to appear in court. What do I do? Whatever you do, do not pay the ticket. That is a huge mistake. You need to hire an experienced attorney, who will be able to handle the case for you. Your appearance will not be required, even if you’re from out of …
How Do I Get My Criminal Record Expunged?
If my criminal record is expunged, do I ever have to admit that I have a criminal record? The answer is maybe. In Florida, you’re allowed to deny the incident ever happened once your record is expunged. However, that statue was written before we had the internet. I recommend to my clients in just about any case to acknowledge that …
I’ve Been Arrested After an Illegal Search
Is there any way to fight back if I am arrested after an illegal search? Yes. Any experienced criminal defense lawyer will be able to recognize the problems with a search and seizure. You file motions to suppress and let the judge decide. If that evidence is suppressed, then your charge may go away. An experienced criminal defense lawyer can …
My Girlfriend and I Got in a Fight and I Hit Her. Can She Drop the Charges?
My girlfriend and I got in a fight and I hit her. We made up and are back together. Can she just drop the charges? It is not up to your girlfriend whether the charges are dropped or not. It is up to the state. It is best to have an experienced attorney who can communicate directly with the prosecutor …
No-Contact Order but Victim Keeps Calling Me
There is an NCO still in place, but the “victim” keeps calling me? What should I do? Well you don’t respond, and you don’t have contact with her. The no contact order is for you and not her. But if she is attempting to contact you? You need to get with an experienced lawyer who can have that contact changed …
What Are the Consequences of a Minor Paying a Monetary Fine for Alcohol Arrest
What are the consequences of paying a monetary fine after an arrest for possession of alcohol by a minor? The biggest mistake spring breakers make when they come to Daytona Beach, they listen to the police officer who says, “Pay the fine. Your parents won’t find out and you won’t have to come back to Florida.” You need to seek …
What Are the Punishments for Drug Offenses
What are the punishments for drug offenses? First of all, any drug conviction will lead to your license being suspended for one year. It can go as far up as minimum mandatory 15 years in prison, or as low as pretrial diversion and probation. An experienced criminal defense lawyer can mean the difference between jail and possible reduced or dismissed …
There Is a Warrant Out for My Arrest
What do I do if there is a warrant out for my arrest in Florida? It’s important to immediately contact experienced local counsel. They can reach out to the State; they can also determine whether or not we can surrender. You have the bond reduced, maybe even have the warrant recalled depending upon how old it is. In any event, …
Expungement in the State of Florida
What is expungement in Florida? When you have a criminal charge, it shows up at the clerk’s office. It’s at the police department. It’s at Florida Department of Law Enforcement. When your record’s expunged, that record will no longer be available or even exist at the clerk’s office or at the police department. So, if somebody were to look on …
Potential Penalty for Possession of Cannabis
What is the potential penalty for an arrest for possession of cannabis? The first question is whether or not it was over 20 grams or under 20 grams. One is a felony; one is a misdemeanor. In either case, it’s important to understand that you could be eligible for Pre-Trial Diversion. Regardless of whether it’s a misdemeanor or a felony, …
I Got a Call that a Loved One Has Been Arrested
What should I do if I get a call that a loved one has been arrested? You need to immediately call local counsel who can explain to you what type of charge it is, whether there was a bond, whether you can post bond, and what they’re looking at. Most importantly, you need to set an appointment with an attorney …
Possession of Alcohol by a Minor on Spring Break
What should I do if I was arrested in Florida during Spring Break for possession of alcohol by a minor? Whether you are arrested or simply given a notice to appear, do not pay the fine. Higher local counsel. You will not be required to come back to Florida and there are so many options available to spring breakers to …
Arrested in Florida During Spring Break
What should I do if I was arrested in Florida during Spring Break for possession of cannabis? Call an attorney who will help you through the process. It’s very important that you do not enter a plea to that crime. If you are convicted, you will lose your driver’s license for a year. It depends on whether you have any …
Charged or Indicted for a Drug Offense?
What should I do if I was charged or indicted for a drug offense? Immediately hire local counsel and do not speak with law enforcement unless that local counsel is with you. You need to have someone advising you, especially in drug cases, because investigators do want to speak with you and find out what you know. That should not …
Possession of Cannabis on My Criminal Record
Will My Arrest for Possession of Cannabis Stay on My Criminal Record What’s important is whether or not, you have any prior criminal history. There is a good chance, if you hired experienced counsel, that your charges can be dismissed. If that happens, then we can expunge your record down the road. An experienced criminal defense lawyer can mean the …
Open Container of Alcohol on My Record
Will my arrest for having an open container of alcohol stay on my criminal record? It depends on what you did after your arrest. Even if you’re not arrested, do not pay the ticket. Do not enter a plea of guilty or no contest. That will help you in determining what happens with your record down the road. If your …
What Makes You Different Than Other Lawyers?
What makes working with you different than other lawyers? Experience and communication. I’ve been practicing for 35 years. I was a prosecutor for five years. I’ve been doing criminal defense for 30 years. I’ve made it my career to make sure my clients understand the process, understand what they’re facing. I will explain all the options to them. They can …
What Your Past Clients Would Say About You?
What would your past clients say about you? They’ll say that I communicated with them, I answered their questions whenever they called, I made myself available whenever they had questions and concerns. We provide great service. Even my assistant Patty, who’s been with me 30 years, always knows where to find me, and my clients get to speak with me …
Why Should I Consider Hiring You?
Why should I consider hiring you? I have been in Daytona Beach in Volusia County my entire life. I’ve practiced in Volusia County in Daytona Beach for 35 years. Five years as a prosecutor, 30 years as a defense lawyer. My assistant has worked with me for 30 years. Unfortunately, that means she can find me no matter where I …
I Have Been Charged with Shoplifting?
Do I need a lawyer if I have been charged with shoplifting? Absolutely. If you hire experienced counsel, a theft charge is something that needs to be resolved to your benefit without a conviction and possibly without a plea. If it can be dismissed, we can have the record expunged and protect your future, because any theft charge on your …
My Offense is Minor. Do I Need an Attorney?
My offense is minor. Do I really even need an attorney or can I just handle this on my own? Any criminal offense, no matter how minor it is can affect you in your career and later in life. I never recommend anyone going into court without representation. There’s no way you will know all the options available to you, …
Should I Hire a Drug and Narcotics Attorney?
Should I hire a drug or narcotics attorney? Absolutely. No matter how minor the drug offense is, even if it is this much cannabis. If you are convicted, first of all, you will lose your driver’s license for one year in the state of Florida. Also, having a drug offense on your record can affect a lot of business opportunities …
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Sam N. Masters will aggressively fight for your legal rights and ensure that you and your loved ones receive the results to which you are entitled by law.
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